Tips for Avoiding Shark Attacks

Scuba diving around sharks can be one of the most exhilarating things a diver can experience. These apex predators are kings of the undersea world and are beautiful, graceful and deadly. Most veteran divers always keep the deadly part in mind and in doing so take pleasure in the experience. On the other hand, inexperienced divers may find the presence of sharks in the water where they are exploring intimidating. Therefore, we would like to give these divers some tips on what to do and what not to do when scuba diving around sharks.

  • Always swim in a group: Sharks are opportunistic. They will more often attack lone divers than those that are in a group. Stay close to the group you are diving with and be prepared to signal the other members of your party if you see danger.
  • Watch for warnings signs: Sharks don’t always give warning signs that they are about to attack but when they do you would do well to heed them. Some of these signs include fast bursts of speed, jerky movements, lowered pectoral fins and exaggerated head movements. If you see these signs you should back away and/or discontinue any activity that may be provoking/exciting them.
  • Wear dark colors: Sharks tend to be attracted to shiny, bright colored objects since much of their prey fits this description. Stick with dark or matte metals when diving to appear more inconspicuous to sharks.
  • Stay calm: When scuba diving with sharks avoid making erratic movements that sharks may find threatening. Swim as if you were swimming around any other kind of fish but always keep sharks in sight when anywhere near them. This will not only keep you safe, it will also increase the chance that you will be able to observe them as they would naturally behave.
  • Avoid murky water: Swimming in dark waters will make you vulnerable to a sneak attack by a shark. Under these circumstances, a shark may have trouble distinguishing between a diver and a food source.
  • Don’t enter the water if bleeding: Sharks can detect smells – such as blood – at between one part per 25 million and one part per 10 billion depending on the species of shark. Thus, you should never enter the water if you are bleeding in the slightest. If you do begin to bleed for some reason, immediately leave the water.
  • Don’t swim too close: Keep a respectful distance and remember that sharks are not domesticated pets. They are wild animals subject to unpredictable behavior.

Sharks are valuable part of the ecosystem and should be treated with respect. As any certified PADI instructor in Mhttps://mauiscubamike.comaui can tell you they are magnificent creatures to behold. People on our family friendly dive tours in Maui often inquire about sharks and whether it is safe to dive them. It can be when the proper precautions are taken.