Night Diving
Night dives Maui are a completely different experience than diving during the day. Youcan dive in the same spot that you did just earlier in the day and feel that you have completelyrelocated yourself. The underwater experience during the day…

How Young is Too Young?
Here at Maui Scuba Mike we offer family friendly dive tours Maui for ages10 and up. However, we do have a few options that are for 12 and up or 15 and updepending on the tour. Safety is our number one priority and we want to make surethat we…

5 Reasons to Go Scuba Diving
Scuba diving can become quite an addictive sport. Private scuba tours Mauiallows you to enter into an entirely new world of infinite possibilities. There isuntapped beauty that you have never imagined possible just below the surface. Ifyou…